Terreno en Complejo Residencial Privado, ideal para familias, para vacacionar. Ubicado en las Faldas del cerro Chame
Terreno de 900.09 Mts.2 Propiedad Complejo Cerrado La Colonia, Chame…
Distrito Santa Isabel, Colón, Panamá
En Venta
Kokuye is the most talked about development in the Country. With clear water and white sands it is the Punta Cana or Bavaro Beach you have been looking for to invest in the jewel of the Americas, Panama. Its rich afro culture mixed with the neighboring Guna Yala makes it a unique zone for true, experiential tourism like no other place in the world.
If you are a top developer this will be the opportunity you are looking for.
All prices are negotiable as its terms and conditions.
Terreno de 900.09 Mts.2 Propiedad Complejo Cerrado La Colonia, Chame…
Hermosa y amplia casa en Loma Alegre San Francisco Cerca…
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